Web scraping

We will scrape data from:

  • Internet Movie Database
  • Washington Post
  • Wikipedia


  • Scraping can be done much faster than humans. Pause ~1 second before scraping the same site again.
  • Don't republish other people's data without consent.

1. Import libraries

If you don't have the library installed already, install them with pip. We can do that via Jupyter Notebooks as well!

In [ ]:
!pip install lxml
!pip install BeautifulSoup4

In [ ]:
import urllib.request
from lxml import html
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

2. Define functions for scraping

In [ ]:
# Scrape all HTML from webpage.
def scrapewebpage(url):
	# Open URL and get HTML.
	web = urllib.request.urlopen(url)

	# Make sure there wasn't any errors opening the URL.
	if (web.getcode() == 200):
		html = web.read()
		print("Error %s reading %s" % str(web.getcode()), url)

# Helper function that scrape the webpage and turn it into soup.
def makesoup(url):
	html = scrapewebpage(url)
	return(BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml"))

3. Scrape Internet Movie Database

Get some info about a movie.

In [ ]:
# Scrape Interstellar (2014) by using our own function "makesoup" we defined above.
movie_soup = makesoup('http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/')

In [ ]:
# Get movie title.
title = movie_soup.find(itemprop="name").get_text()
title = title.strip() # Remove whitespace before and after text

# Get movie year.
year = movie_soup.find(id="titleYear").get_text()
year = year[1:5] # Remove parentheses, make (2014) into 2014.

# Get movie duration.
duration = movie_soup.find(itemprop="duration").get_text()
duration = duration.strip() # Remove whitespace before and after text

# Get director.
director = movie_soup.find(itemprop="director").get_text()
director = director.strip() # Remove whitespace before and after text

# Get movie rating.
rating = movie_soup.find(itemprop="ratingValue").get_text()

# Get cast list.
actors = []
for castlist in movie_soup.find_all("table", "cast_list"):
	for actor in castlist.find_all(itemprop="actor"):

In [ ]:
# Present the results.
print("Movie:    " + title)
print("Year:     " + year)
print("Director: " + director)
print("Duration: " + duration)
print("Rating:   " + rating)

# Present list of actors.
print("Main actors:")
for actor in actors:
	print("- " + actor)

4. Scrape Washington Post

Get the latest headlines and links.

In [ ]:
wpost_soup = makesoup("http://www.washingtonpost.com/")

In [ ]:
# Get headlines.
headlines = wpost_soup.find_all("div", "headline")
print("Found " + str(len(headlines)) + " headlines")

In [ ]:
# Print headlines.
for headline in headlines:

In [ ]:
# Print headlines and links.
for links in headlines:
    for link in links.find_all("a"):

In [ ]:
# Get all the links on the page.
for link in wpost_soup.find_all("a"):
    href = link.get("href")
    if href is not None:
        if href[:4] == "http":

5. Scrape Wikipedia

How many seats does each country have in this conuncil? Scrape a table.

In [ ]:
wiki_soup = makesoup("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_Assembly_of_the_Council_of_Europe")

In [ ]:
# Lets find the table "Composition by parliamentary delegation".

# The table doesn't have a unique name, which makes it difficult to scrape.
# However, it's the first table. So we can use find, which returns the first match.

table = wiki_soup.find("table")

In [ ]:
# Go through all rows in the table.
for row in table.find_all("tr"):
    # Go through all cells in each row.
    cell = row.find_all("td")
    if len(cell) == 3:
        # Extract the text from the three cells.
        country = cell[0].get_text()
        seats = cell[1].get_text()
        accessiondate = cell[2].get_text()
        print(country + ": " + seats + " seats (" + accessiondate + ")")


  1. Go to http://www.imdb.com/ and find your favorite movie.
  2. Try to scrape the rating count (under the rating).

In [ ]:
# Modify this to your favorite movie.
soup = makesoup('http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/')

In [ ]:
# Get rating count instead of name.
title = soup.find(itemprop="name").get_text()
title = title.strip() # Remove whitespace before and after text